Student Organizations
Make the most of your time at Chatham by getting involved in one of our student organizations. Student organizations offer leadership opportunities, host on-campus events, organize to create meaningful change within our community, and much more.
Do you want to start a new student organization, join an existing student organization, or reactivate an inactive student organization? Submit your request to the Office of Student Engagement.
The American Suicide Prevention Chapter at Chatham University aims to spread AFSP’s mission to “Save Lives and Bring Hope to Those Affected by Suicide.” The organization aims to advocate for positive mental health and spread suicide awareness among other students and faculty to improve inclusivity and equity on campus.
Primary Contact: Isabella Parillo,
Advisors: Sharon D. Novalis, Ph. D.,
The purpose of the organization shall be to encourage self expression through fashion by promoting a safe space to discuss various trends, tastes, and aesthetics. The club will also support a general devotion to sustainability by supporting various sustainable forms of buying, upcycling, and reusing clothing.
Primary Contact: Evelyn Fay,
Advisor: Dr. Rich Brown,
Instagram: @chatham.alamode
The purpose of the organization shall be to educate members on archery safety and enjoy a social outlet promoting friendly sport and connection outdoors for students, especially of the Falk School.
Primary Contact: Rachel Coyne,
Advisor: Dr. Ryan Utz,
Instagram: @edenhallarchery
Asian Student Association
The purpose of the organization is to represent the Asian and Asian-American community at Chatham University. The Asian Student Association seeks to represent and advocate for Asian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American interests.
Primary Contacts: Anastasia Harouse,
Advisor: Ryan D’Souza,
Instagram: @chatham_asa
Beans and Leaves
The purpose of the organization shall be more socialization opportunities and possible job opportunities at Eden Hall. Members must have an interest in coffee or tea and be a student at Chatham University.
Primary Contact: Morgan Meriweather,
Advisor: Mandy Best,
Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society
The Purpose of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society shall be to function as an honor and professional society for students of the biological sciences. Its activities shall be designed to stimulate interest, scholarly attainment, and investigation in the biological sciences, and to promote the dissemination of information and new interpretations among students of the life sciences. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Samantha Beall-Dennell,
Advisor: John Dube,
Instagram: @chathamtribeta
Bike Club
Chatham Biking Club promotes health and wellness, social interaction, community inclusion, and a fun environment to get together and ride.
Primary Contact: Position Currently Open, Please Contact the Student Engagement Office
Advisor: Brian Dwyer,
Instagram: @chathambiking
BIPOC STUDent Coalition
The purpose of the BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Student Coalition shall be to support, educate, and unify the students of color on Chatham’s campus. We strive to provide a safe space for students on campus who hold intersecting social identities and to ensure students that various campus issues can be discussed within this group.
Primary Contact: Ali Hoefnagel,
Advisor: Ali Hoefnagel,
Instagram: @chathcam_bsc
Black Student Union (BSU)
We, the members of the Black Student Union, are dedicated to the education and empowerment of students of color while promoting cultural awareness, leadership, and service. We will strive to “Build Student Unity” on the campus of Chatham University and stress the importance of academia and real world experience to create a strong and multicultural world for all students.
Primary Contact: Danaeshia Cuff,
Advisor: Toyaii Rutherford, & Tiara Lucas,
Instagram: @blackchatu
Chatham Activities Board (CAB)
The purpose of the Chatham Activities Board shall be to promote the Chatham experience though campus traditions and late night and weekend events. In addition, the Chatham Activities Board will help other organizations affiliated with Chatham University to create, promote and run their programs.
Primary Contact: Samuel Irons,,
Advisor: Marchaé Peters,
Instagram: @chathamcab
Chatham Catholic Newman Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to get more students involved with the catholic church and bring students together in faith.
Primary Contact: Aubree Tack,
Advisor: Kristin Harty,
Instagram: @chathamucatholic
Chatham Chemistry Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to afford an opportunity for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted to secure and intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among the member, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization's stated objectives
Primary Contact: Benjamin Brown,
Advisor: Dr. William Pfalzgraff,
Chatham Chess Club
Chatham Chess is a club for those who love to play chess, whether recreationally or competitively. The purpose of this organization shall be to serve as a social, informative, and competitive meeting place where students play chess under the Chatham name.
Primary Contact: Morgan Rapsky,
Advisor: David Rossbach,
Instagram: @chathamchess
Chatham Christian Fellowship
Chatham Christian Fellowship is a community open to everyone where we strive to love God and all people, share the good news of Jesus, grow in our relationships with God and one another, and serve community. CCF fosters learning about how to live out faith in every area of life. We do so through Bible study, social events, community engagement and service, conferences, leadership development opportunities, retreats, as well as involvement in local churches, the Chatham community, the Pittsburgh area, and our world
Primary Contact: Beth Kulp,
Advisor: Jessica Bonzo,
Instagram: @cu_christianfellowship
Chatham Cold Case Club
The purpose of this organization is to assist Cold Case Investigation groups in reviewing cases from the past. This will be done by actively assisting law enforcement agencies as well as criminal justice and legal professionals, and families. After reviewing cases, the organization will draw any conclusions about the case material into a final report and make recommendations for law enforcement agencies on what to pursue next in the case. The organization will also seek to offer any new insight to details of the crime that may have been overlooked. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Sara Bouch,
Advisor: Dr. Christine Sarteschi,
Instagram: @coldcasechatham
Chatham Delight
Delight seeks to establish a women’s community that grows together, serves together, learns together, and does life together while chasing the heart of God. Delight is intentional about learning from one another through stories and experiences while potentially discovering or continuing to grow in relationships with Christ. Delight exists to be a place where any Chatham collegiate woman can come and grow in relationships with others, ask difficult questions, and be part of a strong community of Christians and non-Christians alike. Delight provides an opportunity for the women of Chatham to explore their faith in a nonjudgmental and open environment. In addition, Delight will provide a variety of service opportunities each semester in order to help and engage Chatham’s campus and the local community. Delight hopes to equip the women of Chatham to give back through these service and fundraising activities.
Primary Contact: Karinne Barrett,
Advisor: Colleen Barrett,
Instagram: @chatham_delight
Chatham Democrats
CDC, as the student arm of the Democratic National Committee, pledges to support the philosophy and purpose of the Democratic Party. Furthermore, CDC declares its intention to support efforts to increase the participation of college students in Democratic Party affairs. To these ends, CDC shall educate and train its members so that they may be better able to: educate students about the philosophy of the Democratic Party, work with Democrats across the country to achieve the goals of CDC and the Democratic Party, and work to bring more young people into the political process.
Primary Contact: Abigail DiLoreto,
Advisor: Dr. Jennie Sweet-Cushman,
Instagram: @chathamdems
Chatham Feminist Coalition
The Chatham Feminist Coalition is a safe and intersectional space for activism that includes all on campus that wish to participate. We aim to create dialogue and bridge the divide for campus issues regarding intersectional feminism. We work to focus on women's rights issues while also being an inclusive space to give POC, disabled, LGBTQ+ and more a platform. We seek to collaborate with both Chatham-based organizations and outside organizations. We strive to empower those who are disenfranchised and better our Chatham community
Primary Contact: Sydney Altfather,
Advisor: Dr. Jessie Ramey,
Instagram: @chathamfeministcoalition
Chatham Fiber Arts Bunch
The purpose of the organization shall be to come together based on a shared interest in knitting and crocheting, to create projects to be donated to chosen places of need, and to create a fun environment for students to knit and crochet together.
Primary Contact: Liesl Allison,
Advisor: Dani Pais,
Instagram: @chathamknitandcrochetclub
The purpose of the organization shall be to promote an environment for students to explore outdoor recreation such as going to parks, hiking, kayaking, etc. and build a community for those who love nature. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will stay within the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Samantha Schury,
Advisor: Jill Riddell,
Instagram: @chathamgo
The purpose of the Chatham University American Marketing Association Chapter shall be: To foster scientific study and research in the field of marketing; To develop sound thinking in marketing theory and more exact knowledge and definition of marketing principles; To improve the methods and techniques of marketing research; To develop better public understanding and appreciation of marketing problems; To study and discuss legislation and judicial decisions regarding marketing; To improve marketing personnel; To record progress in marketing through the publication of outstanding papers; To encourage and uphold sound, honest practices, and to keep marketing operations on a high ethical plane; To promote friendly relations between students, faculty, and marketing professionals.
Primary Contact: Kylin Rosnick,
Advisor: Jim Delong,
Instagram: @chathammarketingassociation
Chatham Planned Parenthood Chapter
The purpose of the organization shall be… {To provide resources and volunteer within the Chatham and Pittsburgh Community In Regard to Reproductive and Health Care Rights}. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will stay within the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Olympia Giannakopoulos,
Advisor: Jessie Ramey,
Instagram: chatham.ppgen
Chatham Shadow cast Committee
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide an engaging and immersive entertainment experience centered around cult classic films. By combining live performance with movie screenings, the club shall offer a unique platform for enthusiasts to express their creativity, celebrate nostalgia, and foster a sense of community. Through synchronized acting, dancing, and costuming, members of the club will bring beloved films to life, preserving their cultural significance and introducing them to Chatham students.
Primary Contact: Aislin Manzella,
Advisor: Ali Hoefnagel,
Instagram: chatham.scc
Chatham Tabletop Gaming CLub
The purpose of this organization is to promote socialization and teamwork within the Chatham community. With an emphasis on Dungeons & Dragons and a variety of other tabletop games available to members, members can attend and have fun during their free time.
Primary Contact: Sophia Margittai,
Advisor: Hunter Dyar,
Instagram: @chathamtabletopgamingclub
Chatham University Sustainability Explorer Post
This organization is focused on preparing members for their future careers. Our post does this through a sustainability lens. Students will be able to explore career options in sustainability, learn how to incorporate sustainability into other types of careers, and get firsthand experience with sustainable practices.
Primary Contact: Fiona Lilly,
Advisor: Position Currently Open, Please Contact the Student Engagement Office
Instagram: @chatham.explorer
The purpose of the organization shall be to increase members’ knowledge on how to be civically involved in local, state, and federal government, through workshops and events. Together, members will then apply what they learn by attending government events, contacting representatives, following and supporting legislation, and taking any other opportunities that would allow ones voice to be heard.
Primary Contact: Rebecca Engberg,
Advisor: Dana Brown,
Coalition of occupational Therapy Advocates for Diversity of Chatham University (COTAD)
The purpose of the organization shall be increasing diversity within the occupational therapy workforce by empowering occupational therapy students to enhance cultural humility and promote diversity and inclusion. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Lisa Motosicke,
Advisor: Dr. Jodi Schreiber,
Instagram: @cotad.ch_chathamuniversity
Coffee House Committee
The purpose of the organization shall be to curate musical performances on campus to provide musicians the opportunity to embrace their passion.
Primary Contact: Benji Keeler, & Olivia Martin,
Advisor: Adam Lee,
Instagram: @chathamcoffeehousecommittee
Community Service Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide volunteering opportunities to various majors with the Chatham community while instilling a sense of leadership and civic engagement in out community. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Samantha Schury,
Advisor: Dr. John Dubé,
Instagram: @cuvolunteerclub
The Communiqué is Chatham University’s student-run newspaper and website ( Its goal is to provide relevant, accurate news pertaining to the Chatham community. Coverage also includes sports, culture, and student opinions. Together, the Communiqué staff of reporters, editors, photographers, and designers strives to share a snapshot of what life is like here at Chatham and to promote thoughtful discourse across campus.
Primary Contact: Bella White,
Advisor: Sara Bauknecht,
Instagram: @communique_cu
Creative Writing Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to unite Chatham undergraduate writers to further the development of their creative writing skills, and to become a community of support and encouragement for writers.
Primary Contact: Chloe Dorlon,
Advisor: Anjali Sachdeva,
Instagram: @chathamcreativewriting
Drama Club
The purpose of the organization will be to produce theatrical works, as well as workshops and to attend productions outside of Chatham University. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Sadie Ohm,
Advisor: Rusty Thelin,
Instagram: @chathamudrama
Entrepreneurship Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to support the entrepreneurial spirit for all students at Chatham University. Co-sponsored by the Center for Women's Entrepreneurship and the Business and Entrepreneurship Department, the club is open to all students, in all disciplines, who have a desire to increase their understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities made possible through education, training and networking
Primary Contact: Lily Clump,
Advisor: Dr. John Stakeley,
Instagram: @chathamuentrepreneurshipclub
Exercise Science Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to bring current Exercise Science students together in a safe, and welcoming environment. The Exercise Science Club will also offer help to undergraduate students so they may learn about graduate programs and how to apply for graduate programs. The club will also present changes occurring in multiple Exercise Science fields. The organization will look at current and ongoing research in the field as well as work towards a research goal of their own.
Primary Contact: Lily Meyerson,
Advisor: Nolynn Sutherland,
Instagram: @cuexsciclub
FALK School Student Advisory Council
The purpose of this organization is to serve as a student-centered advisory council that facilitates student community building, elevates the voices of students, and advises leadership regarding student needs, challenges, and suggestions that will improve the Falk School of Sustainability and Eden Hall Campus.
Primary Contact: Eve Appel,
Advisor: Mandy Best,
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide mobility devices to early intervention special needs children in order to enhance their quality of life and independence.
Primary Contact: Katie Koziarz,
Advisor: Diana Goodman,
Instagram: @gbgchatham
Golf Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to give students an equal opportunity to play and learn golf.
Primary Contact: Rainey Jessup,
Advisor: Kailin Nelson,
Iota Alpha rho (ASID)
The purpose of the organization shall be: “To inspire and enrich its members by promoting the value of interior design, while providing indispensable knowledge and experience that build relationships.” Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Ava Kovach,
Advisor: Maureen Monhollen,
Instagram: @chatham_iarc
Jewish Students’ Association
The purpose of the Jewish Students' Organization shall be to serve the undergraduate Jewish community of Chatham University by promoting the expression of Jewish identity and involvement in Jewish life on campus. The Jewish Students' Association will offer safe and welcoming opportunities for the learning and growth of persons sympathetic towards Jewish values. The Jewish Students' Association encourages students to find meaning in Judaism and to develop their own Jewish identities. Committed to a pluralistic experience, the Jewish Students' Association attempts to provide a comfortable environment across the halachic (Jewish law) spectrum.
Primary Contact: Evelyn Fay,,
Advisor: Marc Nieson,
Instagram: @jsa.chathamu
Kpop Dance Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to bring together people with interest in dancing and kpop to create and engage in performance opportunities like club showcases, video filming, and other performance opportunities.
Primary Contact: Maria Moon,
Advisor: Kristen Shaeffer,
Latin Student Association
The purpose of the organization shall be to amplify the voices of Latin American students at Chatham’s campus and help educate the campus community on the cultures of this student demographic.
Primary Contact: Vania Ramirez,
Advisor: Lou Martin,
Instagram: @chathamlsa
The purpose of the organization shall be to inspire, prepare, and to empower the next generation of humanitarians. LIGHT will provide events and spaces that center around topics such as equity and inclusion, compassion, human rights, social justice, mental health, and more.
Primary Contact: Rachel Coleman,
Advisor: Alexandra Reznik,
Instagram: @light_chatham
Martial Arts Club
The purpose of the organization is to provide all students the opportunity to learn and practice martial arts.
Primary Contact: Spencer Prince,
Advisor: Terry Durst,
Instagram: @chathamumartialarts
The purpose of the MEDLife organization will be to serve and help enhance the city of Pittsburgh and its surrounding communities, and ultimately to attend a mobile clinic outside of the United States with office MEDLife staff. Our organization will focus on three aspects: medicine, education, and development. Through our actions and partnerships, we will help provide healthcare to those most in need, provide educational opportunities to the students at Chatham and people of Pittsburgh, and continuously help develop Pittsburgh in to one of the greatest cities of the US.
Primary Contact: Natalie Miller,
Advisor: John Dube,
Instagram: @chatham_medlife
MFA Writing Program Council
The nature of Graduate Education sometimes inhibits the maintenance of a student community, as the term of study is brief and current students travel from disconnected points. To the extent that we wish to maintain a strong communal connection, we have created an MFA Council whose purpose is to enrich and sustain the writing community at Chatham University. The MFA Council is a permanent and facile tool that enables consistent lines of communication and acts as a focal point of the MFA writing community.
Primary Contact: Brenna Gallagher,
Advisor: Sheila Squillante,
Instagram: @chatham_mfacw, @wordcircusreadingseries
The Minor Bird (Literary Magazine)
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide students with professional experience regarding literary magazines and journals. The Minor Bird provides students the chance to have their work published—as well as an opportunity to practice design and editing.
Primary Contact: Raewyn Kraybill,
Advisor: Sheila Squillante,
Instagram: @minorbird_cu
The purpose of the organization shall be to train for all activities in the Pittsburgh Marathon and raise money for any chosen charity that the event approves.
Primary Contact: Morgan Walsh,
Advisor: Don Fujito,
Instagram: @chatham.pghmarathonclub
Muslim Student Association
The purpose of this organization shall be to meet the religious and cultural needs of Muslim students at Chatham as well as build awareness and familiarity with Islam, Islamic cultures, and Muslims through positive engagement with the Chatham community. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Sarina Brelvi,
Advisor: Shimul Chowdhury,
Instagram: @chathamumsa
The purpose of this organization is to provide peer mentorship, group cohesion, and peer support for Pathways to Nursing students who share the common bond of a challenging undergraduate major and isolation due to the unique program qualities.
Primary Contact: Juliana Boyd,
Advisor: Lora Walter,
Pi gamma Mu
Pi Gamma Mu is an International Honor Society in Social Sciences. The mission of Pi Gamma Mu is to encourage and promote excellence in the Social Sciences and to uphold and nurture scholarship, leadership, and service. With membership, students will be able to participate in enriching learning experiences, networking with scholars and fellow students in their fields, an opportunity to earn a scholarship, and the chance to attend a triennial international convention with leaders around the world. On campus, the Honor Society hosts events and additional learning opportunities both exclusively for Pi Gamma Mu members, as well as events for the general campus community.
Primary Contact: Dr. Jean-Jacques Sène,
Advisor: Dr. Jean-Jacques Sène,
Pre-Law Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to prepare Chatham University students for law school admission as well as centralize and provide information and resources in order to fortify enable student success.
Primary Contact: Gabrielle Slovikosky,
Advisor: Dr. Jennie Sweet-Cushman,
Instagram: @chathamu_prelawclub
Pre-OT CluB
This club aims to provide resources and opportunities for prospective occupational therapy students at Chatham University. The resources will be provided by the student organization (Pre-OT club) and the Occupational Therapy department at Chatham University.
Primary Contact: Allysan Jones,
Advisor: Laura Huth,
Pre-PA Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to provide information and experience in the health profession, focusing on the Physician Assistant profession. Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will keep with the organization’s stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Molly Standing,
Advisor: Shuo Li,
Instagram: @chathamprepaclub
Prose Bros
The purpose of the organization shall be to connect students who love to read and discuss books.
Primary Contact: Julia Hoenscheid,
Advisor: Heather McNaugher,
Queer student alliance
Chatham QSA strives to create an open and welcoming environment to all students on campus, with a focus on our LGBTQIA+ students. Each meeting, we learn about and discuss a new part of queer history and culture with an open invitation to everyone on campus. These discussions are led by members of the Queer Community. QSA also serves as a place for students to find a safe community to be their full, comfortable selves in.
Primary Contact: Ali Hoefnagel,
Advisor: Ali Hoefnagel,
Instagram: @chatham_qsa
The purpose of the organization shall be to establish a low commitment, fun running community.
Primary Contact: Maureen de Bruijn,
Advisor: Michael Boyd,
Instagram: @chatham.runclub
Sexual Respect Committee
The purpose of the organization shall be devotion to create an environment where everyone communicates and acts with integrity and respect for one another—an environment where sexual misconduct is not tolerated. Through programming we strive to educate our community on Sexual Respect and provide empowering and educational programs.
Primary Contact: LJ Varley,
Advisor: Chris Purcell,
Instagram: @src_chatu
social work club
The purpose of the organization shall be to give club members the opportunity to gain exposure to the social work/helping profession, providee service opportunities for students, and provide social opportunities for students.
Primary Contact: Brook Geatani,
Advisor: Erica Maloney
Instagram: @chathamswkc
The purpose of this organization is to improve the biodiversity of the Eden Hall Campus through control of invasive species and ecological restoration and replacing the invasive plants with native ones that provide similar ecological functions. The club will grow native plants to implement in restoration projects.
Primary Contact: Rebecca Engberg,
Advisor: Dr. Ryan Utz,
Instagram: @chatham_ser
Student Artist Collective (SAc)
Primary Contact: Sully Pelles,
Advisor: James Louks,
Instagram: @chatham_sac
Students For pennsy
Section A: The purpose of the organization shall be… Subsection 1: To spread awareness of Chatham's former mascot, Pennsy the Seal, to the Chatham students and people beyond Chatham. Subsection 2: To gather student support for the reinstatement of Pennsy as the official mascot of Chatham University. Subsection 3: To advocate for the preservation of seal populations and the conservation of their habitats, as well as all marine life. Subsection 4: To educate Chatham students of Rachel Carson's work with marine life and her dedication to their preservation. Subsection 5: To support and promote any legislation by CSG to reinstate Pennsy as the official mascot of Chatham University. Section B: Activities and programs sponsored by this organization will stay within the organization's stated objectives.
Primary Contact: Maggie Vargo,
Advisor: Ryan D’Souza,
Instagram: @studentsforpennsy
Student Occupational Therapy Association (SOTA)
The purpose of SOTA is twofold. First, SOTA will increase campus and community awareness of the occupational therapy profession. Second, SOTA will be active on national issues by sending an ASD Delegate representative to the annual AOTA Conference every year.
Primary Contact: Macey Murphy,
Advisor: Megan Barricklow,
Instagram: @chatham_ot
Technicougar: Film Club
The purpose of the organization shall be to uplift student voices through watching, creating, and conversing about films. Club members will attend film events and participate in film contests and festivals. Club members will collaborate on projects and have opportunities to learn about the art of film through hands-on film shoots, technical practice, and regular discussion.
Primary Contact: Jada Jenkins,
Advisor: Kristen Schaeffer,
Instagram: @chathamfilmclub
Tiny Forest Coalition
The purpose of the organization shall be to create a space for Chatham students (particularly those residing at Orchard Hall or enrolled in the Falk School) to create community and strengthen their bond with nature through storytelling, educational seminars, hands-on learning, outdoor activities, workshops, and community events. The purpose of all meetings, activities, and programs will be to promote collective respect and action towards conserving and caring for our own “tiny forest” here at the Eden Hall campus.
Primary Contact: Molly Draper,
Advisor: Dr. Linda Johnson,
Triota (Iota Iota Iota)
The purpose of the organization shall be… “to encourage and support scholarship, excellence, and activism in women’s and gender studies at Chatham University, as well as foster feminist community, promote personal growth, and increase awareness of issues pertaining to gender, race, class, sexuality, and other interesting dimensions of identity.
Primary Contact: Hannah Fischer,
Advisor: Dr. Jessie Ramey,